Thursday, July 27, 2006

Photos amidst...but not of....the Amish

This was Amos Mast's garden. It was the first thing I saw every morning when I woke up.

The milking barn. This was the main barn where the animals came to seek shade during the day. It's also where I learned everything I know about dairy far.

This is typical of Amish advertising. Simple and effective. This is the main entrance to the Mast Farm

Sunrise over field of shocks of oats left in the field to dry. My morning view.

Later afternoon from the same approximate view.

Belgian Horses provide all of the brute force on the farm pulling ploughs, cultivators, bailers and rakes. Beautiful and large animals, they would work up quite a sweat in the afternoon heat.

Someone who understands horses could explain all the harnesses much better than I could. I found a lot of beauty in these objects.

Monday is laundry day. The Amish are really fond of the color blue. As am I.

Inside the corn crib. This is feed corn for the cattle as well as the hogs.

The Silo.

This entry was posted on 7/27/2006 5:22 PM

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