Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Scenes from Colorado

This entry was posted on 9/6/2006 4:43 PM and is filed under uncategorized.

Good news! Before leaving Colorado I was reinforced with my sister's digital camera as I await just a few days longer before I receive mine back from the Canon Repair Factory. (Yes, my camera broke as well....there's virtually nothing left to break.)

The timing couldn't have been better. I had mourned the fact that I had left Breckenridge without taking any pictures and my little sis's camera awaited at the foot of the mountain at Silverthorne. On the way down the mountain I reailzed that I had left my rain jacket at the hostel in Breckenridge so after a quick night's sleep in Silverthorne it was right back up the mountain in the early morning, this time with a camera in hand, and my heavy loaded trailer patiently awaiting my return. Thus enlightened I had one of the most glorious Labor Day Saturday's anyone could have asked for.

The entire ride back up to Breckenridge was via a bike path. About two minutes into the ride I arrived at Dillon Reservoir.

Colorado is known for their history of gold mining and gold mining can wreck havoc on a river. Here's an example of a 30 foot tall spoil pile adjacent the Blue River, still in place after 120 years.

River restoration projects along the Blue have restored riffle and pool habitats ideal for trout fishing.

As I approached Breckenridge the restoration of the Blue came to resemble a Japanese Water Garden.

Back in Breckenridge I discovered that I was just in time for Rubber Ducky races down the blue river.

Summits 8 and 9 at Breckenridge.

I don't know it's proper name but I like to call this plant Colorado Cotton.

The return trip back down the mountain.

No farms for over a week now, but the scenic vistas more than made up for it. I know you're probably glad to have something other than just a bunch of words for a change.

All my best,



  • 9/19/2006 11:08 AM Rebekah wrote:
    beautiful photos of colorado! now I really want to go there! keep going, you are almost there!

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